Peppermint Chocolate Chia Pudding

This healthy pudding has become my FAVE! It's so quick and easy to mix up and feels like such a treat, while still being healthy. Chia Seeds are loaded with antioxidants, high in fiber, support healthy digestion, high in omega-3 fatty acids, and contain 19% protein. Pair it with healthy milk and our favorite Peppermint EO for a health boost your body will thank you for!

1/2 cup milk (I do 1/4 cup coconut and 1/4 cup almond)
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 tablespoon cocoa powder
1-3 teaspoons sweetener (I use 1 teaspoon honey + 2 teaspoons date nectar)
5 drops vanilla stevia, or vanilla extract to taste (optional)
1 drop Peppermint EO

Mix all ingredients together well to make sure there aren't any chia seed clumps. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or longer (overnight is great, too!). The chia seeds plump up and 'thicken' the milk like a pudding. Top with your favorites, like nuts, flaked coconut, banana, peanut butter, a drizzle of date nectar, etc. 

Omit the chocolate and Peppermint for a Lemon or Vanilla option. For Lemon pudding, add 2-4 drops Lemon EO. ENJOY!!!

No Beans About It - Chili

I love, love, LOVE chili. BUT... my tummy does NOT love, love, love beans. Whether you are like me, doing Whole 30, eating paleo, looking to add more veggies to your diet, or just looking for a change from the norm, this has become my go-to. I usually make a big pot of 'normal' chili for my family, then take some of the meat and onions out to make up my bean-free version. 

I have tried a few variations over the years: I find sweet potatoes as the base too sweet. Cauliflower as the base brings to much of a distinct cauliflower flavor. Normal potatoes work well, but have a high starch content and leave me a little bloated. However, when I mix cauliflower, zucchini, and mushrooms, I find the flavors blend well and nothing stands out as too distinct. Sure, it's a different texture, but once the flavor hits my mouth I hardly notice. 

Just like my Mama's Happy Chocolate recipe, I use my mini Ninja food chopper to make this chili a breeze. If you don't have one of those yet, it's a game-changer for easy food prep! Check out the chocolate recipe for more info on that. 

Finally, don't let the long ingredient list scare you off! The ingredients should be ones you have on hand (and if you don't, you'll want to always have them on hand... I use these basics for SO many yummy recipes!). This is an easy-peasy recipe. You can add more chili powder if you like it spicy, or leave it out all together and feed it to your small children. I love topping mine with lots of avocado, and a heap of cilantro. This is a versatile and fun recipe!

No Beans Chili  serves 2-3

1/4 lb ground beef
1-2 slices bacon, chopped
1 cup packed minced cauliflower
1 cup minced mushrooms
1 cup minced zucchini
1/4 cup chopped onions
I clove minced garlic
1 cup tomato sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
2 teaspoon dried onion flakes
1 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley
1 tablespoon dried chives
pinch of oregano
1/4-1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Brown ground beef, chopped bacon, and onions. Cook until meat is cooked through. Add garlic and cook, stirring constantly for 30-60 seconds. Add tomato sauce and stir to combine, then add remaining ingredients. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until veggies are soft. Serve immediately, or store in refrigerator until ready to reheat and eat. It's GREAT to make ahead.

This recipe tastes even better on day 2. You don't want the veggies to get too soft from simmering for a long time like normal chili, so when I'm making regular chili for my family, I take my bean-free version off the stove once the veggies are soft, then I put the pot in the fridge until dinner and let the flavors meld. Then I gently reheat when it's dinnertime. 

How about you? Do you have a yummy bean-free chili recipe? What's your favorite chili base?

Creamy Breakfast Bowl (aka Cream of Wheatless)

Creamy Breakfast Bowl (aka Cream of Wheatless)
This paleo, grain-free, healthy breakfast has become my FAVORITE way to start the day. It's creamy, filling, and oh, so good. Comfort food at its finest. And..... it reminds me of my childhood. 

Do you remember Cream of Wheat? It was my favorite breakfast when I was in elementary school in the 1980's. How's this for a flashback:

I remember many early mornings, before walking to the bus stop, filling my breakfast bowl with Cream of Wheat and a nice big spoonful of brown sugar and a drizzle of milk. It was my FAVE. The only problem? It gave me a tummy ache. We did't realize until many years later that I am allergic to wheat, sugar, and dairy. Cream of Wheat.... a triple threat to my belly. I haven't had it in years

But now, I have my 'Cream of Wheatless' that makes my tummy and tastebuds oh, so happy.

It's also super simple with only five ingredients.

I make up a nice big batch so I can just re-heat leftovers on the stove to make a nourishing breakfast in just a few minutes. 

Creamy Breakfast Bowl

1 white sweet potato
1 apple
1 pear

In a medium size pot, add chopped white sweet potato, apple, and pear. Fill just to cover with water and let simmer 20 minutes or so until everything is nice and soft. 

Pour out the majority of water into a glass measuring cup to use later.

Transfer sweet potatoes, apples, and pears into a food processor, sprinkle with cinnamon, and process for 30-60 seconds until smooth, adding just enough of the reserved liquid to make it the consistency you prefer. 

I serve mine with 2 tablespoons raisins, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 tablespoon flax seeds, chopped pecans, a dollop of coconut cream (lightly sweetened with date sugar), and a drizzle of date nectar. Mmmmmmm..........

Would be super yummy with a variety of additions. Dried cranberries, fresh blueberries, a drop of Vitality Cinnamon Bark essential oil...... what will you try? I'd love to hear your favorite additions! Enjoy!

Mama's Happy Chocolate

Mama's Happy Chocolate
The only problem with these is that I can't stop eating them. Which means it's SUPER convenient that they are quick and EASY to make with only 5 simple ingredients: cocoa powder, honey, coconut flakes, coconut oil, and almonds.

These yummy treats were created because I needed a Honey Mama's alternative after a holiday season of treating myself to a little square daily. Okay, sometimes a BIG square. Have you tried Honey Mama's chocolates? They're delish. And a TREAT. So you can imagine how happy I was when, in late November, I found them at my local grocery store on clearance for $0.50 each. They're normally $4.99 each, so at $0.50, I grabbed every last one. All 13 of them. 

So, as I savored and enjoyed them throughout the holidays, and even shared them with my family (it WAS Christmas, after all), I wondered what I would do once they were gone. We had all become quite chummy with having our Honey Mama's fix after dinner, so I needed a quick and easy alternative. Stat. 

I went to work creating my variation. Honestly? I like them better. I don't know what the difference is, but they just make me HAPPY. In fact, when I had them out to take some pictures this afternoon, my 16yo son came in and asked if he could have one. Then two. Then..... well, you know where this goes. 

Mama's Happy Chocolate Recipe:

2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons raw honey
4 tablespoons unsweetened coconut
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
3 tablespoons almonds, pecans, or nut of choice

I used my mini Ninja chopper for this, which made it even EASIER. You can do it all by hand if you don't have a chopper, but if you like a quick and easy way to make chocolate, salsa, chop nuts, etc., the mini Ninja chopper is a dream. (I found mine on sale locally for $20, so you may be able to find it in a store near you for less than Amazon sells it. Find it on Amazon HERE.)

First, chop the nuts. Then add the remaining ingredients and chop/mix until well blended.

Pat into a container lined with parchment paper and refrigerate for several hours, or overnight.

Cut into squares and savor every last bite

And if you lick the parchment paper once the chocolate is gone, no one will judge you. Promise. ;)

Store in the refrigerator or freezer.

For some variations, try adding Peppermint essential oil, Orange essential oil, chopped cranberries, dried blueberries, fresh coffee grounds, cocoa nibs, sea salt.... whatever you LOVE in your chocolate. These are FUN to play around with, and with such a small little batch, there are lots of opportunities to try new flavors. Have fun!!! I'd love to hear from you when you land on your FAVE variation.

Dish Detergent

Dish Detergent

I don't do a ton of DIY projects with my oils, but this is one I've been doing for almost 7 years because I love it so much. I made it initially because Young Living hadn't come out with their own dish detergent yet, and now I just keep making it! It's great when Thieves Dish Detergent is OOS or you need to grab something fast from the grocery store. 

Here's what I do:   In a large jar, fill with about 3 cups Seventh Generation Dish Detergent (free & clear). Add 2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner, then 20 drops each Rosemary, Lemon, and Peppermint EO. Whisk all together, put the lid on the jar, then give it a good shake and you're done! I use 1/2 tablespoon in my pre-wash, and 1 tablespoon in my main wash.   

How about you? How do you use essential oils for your dishes?

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