Happy Hormones?!?

One of the top issues (perhaps THE top issue) that comes up when we begin talking about health relates in some form or another to HORMONES. Young Living has some pretty amazing, all-natural products that can support hormones; essential oils and supplements that are AMAZING and have helped our home in MEGA ways. But until we made THIS change that we're about to talk about, we were still struggling.

You see, my daughter had HORRIBLE cycles. She was a skinny little 12-year-old in 2014 and watching her go through what she went through every month was torture. She spent 2-4 days every month curled up in a ball on her bed, unable to move, hardly eating, and often in tears. I know some of you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. She was anemic, losing way too much blood, and it seemed so hopeless. She was depressed and I was fearful. I felt powerless as a mom because I knew that if I took her to the doctor, they would probably send us home with birth control. I didn't want to go there! I didn't want to put a 'bandaid' on the problem because I knew there had to be an answer!

And then... Mama Bear Mode kicked in. NOTHING was going to stop me from finding freedom for my baby.

So, I began doing research. We worked with a nutritionist. We had bloodwork done. I found a list of essential oils and supplements that we began trying. I was throwing everything that I could at her, hoping SOMETHING would magically work. We would see a tiny change here and there, which was a BIG win with as intense as the situation was, but I was confused as to why we were't seeing BIG changes.

Until, one day, I ran out of laundry detergent and shampoo.

For YEARS I had been purchasing the big jug of eco-friendly laundry detergent from Costco, and feeling pretty great about it. A great BIG jug, a small little price, and it said ‘eco-friendly’ on the label, so I felt good.

Then there was the shampoo. My daughter wanted to smell YUMMY. All her friends smelled YUMMY. So I found a shampoo at the health food store that had a clean-ish label and smelled YUMMY. Win-win, right?

What I didn’t realize, however, was that there were hidden ingredients in both that were wreaking havoc on my daughter’s hormones…. and ALL of our hormones. When we ran out of the laundry detergent and shampoo, we were ‘forced’ to use the Thieves Laundry Detergent and Lavender Shampoo that we had on the shelves. When I had tried the Thieves Laundry Detergent before, I thought it worked well, but I missed the ‘clean’ aroma that my eco-friendly stuff had. The Lavender Shampoo was AMAZING, but was lacking in the ‘lingering-YUMMY-aroma’ department.

So they had been shelved.

Until we were desperate.

Friends, it was unicorn-esque how quickly the changes happened. Getting rid of poisonous personal care products in our home changed EVERYTHING. Our hormones were no longer confused. They were able to do their HAPPY job. Because, you see, the ingredients that were hiding were telling our bodies that we had mega estrogen. They mimic estrogen, which sent the message to the progesterone that it could take a hike. Talk about confusing our bodies! (If you want to research this more, do a Google search on xenoestrogens, because that is EXACTLY what was happening in our home and is the ROOT to most hormonal issues from infertility, to menopause, to low libido, low energy, mood swings, etc.)

So, please. If you care about your hormones, avoid these things:

PERFUME (don’t wear it!)

MOST LAUNDRY DETERGENT (it has hidden ingredients that are BAD, even the 'natural' ones)

FRAGRANCE (that one word in an ingredient list is full of poison—hundreds of toxic chemicals)

HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS (fragrances, bleach, and many other harmful ingredients that aren't labeled)

What do we use?

We use products that FEED our bodies. Products with ingredients that are so pure, we could eat them. We don’t, because that would be weird, but we COULD.

We use:

Thieves Laundry Detergent
Lavender Volume Shampoo & Conditioner
Kidscents Tangerine Shampoo
Lemon Sandalwood Bar Soap
Lavender Hand & Body Lotion
Savvy Mineral Makeup
Thieves Household Cleaner
DIY Essential Oil Perfume

I found that for the same price, I could switch out the poisonous-products with life-giving products. How amazing is that?!? This Mama Bear is HAPPY.

And so is her daughter..... who is now 19 and thriving.


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