Benefits of Diffusing Pure Essential Oils

Benefits of Diffusing Pure Essential Oils

If you have ever diffused essential oils, you know how beautiful the aromas can be. Having pleasant aromas is wonderful on it's own, but let's take a look at why WHAT we're breathing is so important, and how breathing pure essential oils can bring a level of health and emotional support that goes far beyond what we would have ever thought.


I have always loved aromas. I used to be a big-time candle burner. I wanted the laundry detergent that smelled really 'fresh.'  After I cleaned my home, I wanted it to smell sterile. But what I didn't know is that those fragrances were actually harming me. You see, I thought we were healthy. We ate mostly organic, not much dairy, wheat, or sugar. We had an active lifestyle. So when my husband was knocked down with Lyme Disease for 3 years, and I was diagnosed with melanoma right in the midst of his struggle, it was sobering. It was many things, but with as hard as I worked to do what was good for my family, I felt defeated. If the lifestyle we were living wasn't enough, what was?

But then, I began doing some research. As we were using essential oils in our home, I was amazed at the changes I was seeing and wanted to know why it was working.... it was like nothing I had ever experienced!


PubMed lists around 300 articles on the wellness benefits of using essential oils, many of which are specific to diffusing. (Check out ‘lavender and aromatherapy’ in PubMed to get a good start into further learning.) Diffusing is calming to the mind, body and emotions, which in turn has a profound impact on our overall wellness. This is because essential oils activate the limbic region of the brain which controls our emotional and hormonal responses to our environment.


The limbic region is complex. Below are a few pieces to the puzzle:


• Hippocampus: responsible for memory, focus and motor control

• Amygdala: stores fear and anxious memories

• Hypothalamus: regulates hormones

• Septal Nuclei: responds with pleasure to positive reinforcement

• Cingulate Cortex: processes memory and emotions 

• Parahippocampal Gyrus: also involved in memory


As you can see, the limbic region of the brain is a key in regulating emotions such as anger, fear, security, and pleasure, along with storing memories and our learning functions. Every time we breathe, we send air, vapors and aromas into the limbic region of the brain. This is wonderful when we are talking about pure essential oils, but what about toxins? What about all the candles I was burning, the perfume I was wearing, the cleaners, laundry detergent, hairspray........


All of that was just in my home! Think about the air we breathe daily. Gas stations, strong detergents and bleach through the grocery store, toxic candles, plug-ins and perfumes, hand soap, lotion, smoke, paints, etc. There is so much around us that we can’t control that we breathe in on a daily basis that gets into such an important part of the brain! This can have a PROFOUND impact on our health. More so than I believe we even realize. You see, any kind of artificial fragrance wreaks havoc on our hormones, and our hormones are a KEY to health. Our hormones give us more than warm fuzzies. They give us energy, strength, good emotions, and more. It is any wonder so many of us are tired, crabby, and apathetic? All day long our hormones are under stress, and at some point they have just had enough. The reserves are gone, and along with that so are our emotions, energy, sex drive, and immune system. Our brains have no more ‘reserves’ to send the proper signals to the rest of the body.


How about you? Where would you say you fit on a ‘happy air’ scale?


Take a moment to think through your day. What aromas are you breathing in as you get ready for the day? As you clean your home, wash your dishes and clothes, and go about your normal activities. How healthy would you rate your breathing? Be sure to check labels! Even brands labeled as natural and organic can have hidden fragrances.


Once again, essential oils to the rescue! Because of their unique ability to restore balance to the functions of the body, and the power they have in positively impacting the limbic region of the brain, diffusing is a KEY to overall health. We sure have seen it over and over again in our home! During the day, the diffuser is feeding signals to be happy, alert, focused, and balanced. At night, it is sending signals to rest and restore. These signals and messages can change everything.

I'll never forget the day my son woke up CRABBY. It used to be pretty common for him, but since we had been using Young Living, the episodes were few and far between. During this particular season, I had been diffusing Thieves in his room every single night because I wanted to purify the air during cold and flu season. I'd been ultra faithful in diffusing every single night for a couple of months, but the night before our crabby episode, we were all tired and went to bed without turning on our diffusers. I remember looking at my kids the following day after his outburst and said, "What's going on?!?" It was my daughter who realized what happened. "We forgot to diffuse Thieves last night!" It was a huge light bulb moment for me! I remembered hearing Gary Young teach about how the 'spice' oils (like clove and cinnamon, both found in Thieves), can help the communication between the left and right sides of the brain. It was then that I realized that as I was diffusing to clean the air, I was ALSO diffusing for some incredible emotional benefits. 

We haven't missed a night since.


If you haven’t yet today, head on over to your diffuser, grab your favorite oil, put 6-15 drops in it and turn it on. Try diffusing Lavender or Stress Away at bedtime. In the morning, try Peppermint and Lemon. In the afternoon, do Frankincense, Copaiba and Lemon. Commit to duffusing during the day AND night for a month and notice the changes you see in your home, health, and emotions. Do you have more energy? Is your outlook on life brighter? Are you happier?


My friends, you are in for a treat! 

*Note: Using PURE essential oils is a key because even 'natural' essential oils can be altered and adulterated, which can have harmful impact on the body just like toxic aromas. In my research, Young Living has the purest, highest quality of essential oil and is the only brand I use for my family. I have travelled to Young Living farms and distilleries in Washington, Utah, Idaho, and Croatia and have seen their process, testing, and quality control. Their standards are what I choose for my family.